sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010


No es el.. no lo es, le echo de menos... muchisimo.

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

The candyman - Piano (cover - zufri - RocK&MinD)... CRITICA! xD

Hoy... hoy me gustaria hacer una crítica.
Critica del video de Zufri tocanco The candyman.
Sinceramente... las palabras que utilizaré a continuación no son las que le pondria yo... pero bueno.


Sabes que me gusta escuchar tus videos tocando el piano, y la verdad es que este video es... sublime? Quizás esa palabra ni se acerque, pero bueno...
Y no digas que exagero! por que no lo hago.
Y sin mas dilación aqui os dejo con el super video! :D

domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

I miss you .. lot.
You can not imagine how it hurts to hear this song and know that your not here like before ... You can not imagine how I miss you.
Your .. it was you for me? My sky .. my little .. you were my everything.
Sound cruel .. but I sometimes want to forget everything.
My best friend .. How we ended up like this? and think that when I look I still see that person, and I can not admit that "no longer are you"
Our song ... I want to go back in time ... returns to you, back to being the person you fell in love. I want a loving person, kind, friendly, gentle he had before under that side of hard and heartless .. want to see my bear loving ...
I do not want that person without feelings for others who do not care nothing more than the ... I want the real you.
If you ever read this, although I doubt it ... I hope you understand what I mean .. and when you understand I hope you come back to be your ... I do not want a person who dresses .. I love you.
And once I'm just .. I. .. with you. Come back, please ...
And finally .. I just want to tell you ... I love you more than anyone will ever, thanks for wasting time with me from time to time ... Thanks for sharing your true self with me, please comfort me, please help me, thanks, I can only tell you and give you these spaces from time to time ... to tell always the simplest thing in the world and find it really hard to tell others ... are only for you, save them as treasures, as I keep those moments with you ... thank you, and I'm sorry.

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010


Ladrona de sueños...
Secuestradora de ilusiones...
Vendedora de memorias...
Compradora de recuerdos...
Dejame entrar en tus sueños y arrevatarte todo lo que te guste de el para mi preciada coleccion.

Hacer lo que ellos quieran cuando quieran.. estoy un poco harta de eso.

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010


Positividad al poder! Yeaaaah! :D
Hay hay tormentaaa!!

Girl I gotta know, how you dance like that
d-d-dance like that, you dance like that
cause you’re puttin’ on a show
can i take you back? take you back take you back
I just gotta ask can you show me yours?
I’ll show you mine.
Touchin on MY! :D